I’m published!


Last June, I was approached by bestselling highland romance author, Ceci Giltenan (known for her Duncurra books), about contributing to a short story anthology that she was going to put together through Cridhe Works, LLC. It was a great opportunity to join in with some NYT and USA Today bestselling authors in compiling a collection of diverse short works that would span many genres and help us introduce our respective readerships to some new talent.

I was excited by the proposal, but I had nothing short written. After spending some time thinking about what I might write without losing momentum from Blood Dawn, which has been steadily demanding more of my energy by the month, I decided to write a prelude short story set twenty years before Blood Dawn. Now, I’m extra excited to share with you the published anthology where you can read it!

John-TantalizingTidbits-coverTantalizing Tidbits is a smorgasbord of unique stories written by many talented authors, ranging from action, to paranormal romance, to ghost stories. In the spirit of a smorgasbord, it is divided into an appetizer, main course, and dessert section. Each story has a recipe. You’ll find my story, “One Who Waits”, in the appetizers section, accompanied by the recipe for Irish Brown Soda Bread.

I’ve been working my way through it and just love some of the stories in there so far, so I hope you’ll check it out and spread the word.

Here is a link to the Amazon page where you can purchase it:


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4 Responses to I’m published!

  1. Paula Cappa says:

    This book looks absolutely delicious. Just bought it. Love anthologies. I think they are gaining more attention now than ever. Congrats, John.

    • John Robin says:

      Thanks so much, Paula! I think it’s a great idea and just love the opportunity to share something smaller with readers while we’re working on something larger that takes a long time.

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